We Help Solar Businesses Book Qualified Commercial Solar Appts. Without Ad Spend

We help you:

  • Book business decision makers on your calendar on autopilot

  • Increase close rates without needing more staff

  • Exploit innovative marketing strategies to scale your sales

Tired of FB Ads?

Our 3-Step “Back to Basics” System is Simple

Step 1: Find

Finding the right businesses
and decision makers.

  • Find industries you want to target

  • Find businesses in your KW range. Fx. 10KW-200KW

  • Find the decision makers Ex. CEO, CFO, Manager etc.

Step 2: Reach out

Reach out to them via email, at scale

  • Create personalized emails for each industry with offers,case studies, etc.

  • Setup email flows

  • Send out the mails to the target businesses and decision makers

Step 3: Engage

Get them to engage send them to you / Schedule appointment

  • Get them to answer to our emails

  • Qualify the business for solar

  • Vet the decision maker

  • Send them to you directly or we help book them on the Appointment

No Expensive Ads and No unqualified leads!


Conor from Green Wave Solar in TN

Billy from Solar Symphony in CA

We Believe in The Value We Create!

  • Guaranteed Results: 10 engaged leads/appointments within 90 days from launch, or money back

  • Guaranteed Quality: We don’t charge for no shows or leads you deem unqualified.

  • Monthly status meeting: to go over leads/appointments and agree on total amount of payment

Currently Working With 22 Companies…

Frequently Asked Questions

  • We don’t charge for leads or appts. you deem unqualified.

    The degree of qualification generally depends on your needs. For all of our clients we make sure the contact is a decision maker, the roof is available, they own the building & are interested in solar for their business.

  • The price per sit generally varies from client to client as we tailor our system to your needs and the exact types of companies you want to reach. E.g. we have some clients targeting +200kw projects which naturally takes more from our side. Other clients are targeting 10-50kw projects.
    In order for us to give you an exact price per sit please book a 30 min call below, where we can get a better understanding of your company and the businesses you want to target to see if we might be a match.

  • We generate anywhere from 3-10 commercial leads and appointments per month depending on the capacity of our clients.

  • While conversion rates can vary based on several factors, including your sales process and local incentives, our clients typically see a significant improvement in conversion rates compared to standard industry averages. Typically between 20-40%.

  • You can start seeing results within the first moth of our partnership. We hit the ground running and begin the lead generation process as soon as our initial setup and strategy phase is completed.

  • We can target any project size as long as the key decision maker uses email.

    Typically our clients see best results by targeting small to mid-sized companies as the list seems to be almost never-ending and the key-decision maker is typically also the owner or CEO.

  • There’s no required minimum of appointments from our side. The amount purely depends on the capacity of our clients.

What out partners say about us

We Love Our Clients!

“Jako media have worked with me for 6 months so far. They have produced results that I am happy with in a tough market. What I’m impressed about the most is their communication skills and honesty. I have already recommended Jako to friends and I look forward to a long partnership.”

John Harmer
Founder of Nuway Solar

“Jako Media works seriously and reaches the goal of the projects they start. My warmest recommendation to everyone.”

Morten Matras
Founder of LeadDoubler

“They really know what it takes to create results on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. You are in really good hands, and you’ll get results and stutus reports as agreed.”

Simon Heiberg
Partner at Pipehero

Not Sure Which Industries to Target?

With our extensive knowledge from working with solar companies all over the US and AU we are happy to guide you through the process of picking out your ideal customers.

How does incentives like the REAP Grant, SREC's, and MARC Bonus Depreciation play a role?

Who ‘s the right person to contact in the company, based on its size and industry?

What types of deals are easiest for you and your sales reps to close?

What savings and ROI can you typically generate in different industries?

Our Journey Into Solar

Frederik Jakobsen


Frederik was raised in a family where sustainability was always a key factor. With a father with a key role in one of the largest Danish wind turbine manufacturers it has meant talks about our planets future and our role in it around the dinner table.

When Frederik later on began his career in marketing he always had the goal of promoting sustainability. It took him 3 years before finding the right path but in 2021 he founded Jako Media with the mission of helping solar companies reach more interested customers.

Martin Rasmussen

CSM & Partner

Martin Rasmussen was raised on the danish island Ærø (Aeroe) with what for 4 years was the the largest solar plant in the world i his backyard.

He has been brought up with renewable energy and when he started in marketing, over a decade ago, he always knew that he wanted to promote sustainability.

Read more about the Danish Power Island here.

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